Technical Resources
Diesel Drive Belt Replacement/Tensioning Procedure
V-Belts operate on friction. Too little tension results in slippage and excessive heat and wear. Always tension belts to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Always ensure clean belts and pulleys during installation.
8.5-Ton to 10-Ton Hydraulic Belt Replacement/Tensioning Procedure
V-Belts operate on friction. Too little tension results in slippage and excessive heat and wear. Always tension belts to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Always ensure clean belts and pulleys during installation.
RSW Control System - 10-Ton and under Control Products Controllers
Setup and calibration instruction for the RSW control system using Control Products pressure and temperature controls. Get information on how to program your set point, calibrate your temperature probe and factory parameter settings.
RSW System Winterization Procedure
Procedure to follow whenever your system will be shut down for over two weeks. Protect and prolong the life of your unit.